Tips for Moving with Kids

Moving into a new home can be an unnerving and exciting experience for kids. How they react to the move will depend on their personality but also on how you prepare them. You Move Me is committed to making your move an easy one. Here are 5 steps to help make the transition for your kids just as smooth.

  1. Hopefully you’re excited about your move and now it’s time to get the kids on the same page. Plan to make a visit to the new home before the big day. Visit all the cool playgrounds, climbing trees, eateries and other fun spots in your new neighborhood. You could even draw a map together that includes all of the exciting places you’ll visit.
  2. Make it clear to your kids that you’re not throwing out their stuff, you’re just storing it until you arrive at your new home. Put together all the things that your kids will need right away in a separate easy-to-find box, so there’s no frantic search for a favorite outfit or Dora the Explorer DVD.
  3. Don’t call 1-800-GOT-JUNK? just yet – old bedroom furniture can provide comfort to kids moving into a foreign environment. The blanky effect!
  4. Ask family or a friend to look after your kids on moving day. Moving is stressful enough without having to keep track of active kids.
  5. Help your kids say goodbye to favorite people and places in their old neighborhood. You wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye and neither should your children. The opportunity to say goodbye is extremely valuable.

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