Do you have a game plan for your first day in your new home?

Many of us who are about to move focus solely on getting packed and ready to move with as little stress as possible. Beyond that, we may be imagining how beautiful the new home will look with our belongings in just the right place, and perhaps a few newly-purchased items. One critical step that could prove to be a real mood-buster is the transition that takes place within the first day or two of moving. Believe me, there is nothing worse than finally hauling the last of the furniture and boxes into the new home, serenading the moving company goodbye, closing the door behind them in exhaustion, and wondering where your toothbrush and pajamas are. All you want to do is fall asleep! Allow me to enlighten you in a way that will make this part of your move a breeze from now on.

  • Everyone in the family: pack your suitcase. Just like you’re about to go on holiday, pack your suitcase for the next few days, at least. This should include: your toilet essentials, pajamas, slippers, clothes for a couple of days, and anything you cannot live without during that time. Immediately you have done away with the stress of searching for something you’ll need.
  • Budget to eat out on the town. Unless you have an amazing support group of friends and family who will deliver home-cooked meals for the first couple of nights after your move, consider going out to dinner or having a family pizza party. This will take away the worry of getting your kitchen all set to cook and feed everyone. Also, it will get you away for a well-earned break from the unpacking.
  • Take time away from work. I recommend booking at least two days off, preferably around a weekend, to complete your move and settle in. Not only does it give you and your family peace of mind to focus on settling in with no other concerns, your boss just might thank you also! You should arrive at work feeling stress-free and ready to focus on the job at hand. With half a mind on everything you still need to get done at home, you are far less efficient.
  • Take care of number 1. That’s you! You’ve heard that moving is one of the most stressful transitions we will make in their lives. Don’t forget to keep up with the tools of well-being success. If you need your 8 hours of sleep, plan to get it. If you work out regularly, keep it up. Meditation? Don’t stop. Taking care of ourselves is a key success factor during times of change and can swing the pendulum of success or failure in the right direction.

Moving into a new home can be a powerfully motivating time in our lives because it often denotes positive change: you’ve built your own home; you’ve purchased your first place; you’re moving in with a special person; you’re expanding your family. Whatever your reasons for moving are, those first few days in a new space can still be challenging, so don’t overlook the opportunity to include these tips into your planning. 
Happy moving!

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